A Program Of The Allentown Symphony Association
Serving the Lehigh Valley
for 12 Years!



Our program is grounded by people just like you who contribute towards the common goals upon which we are built. There are many ways in which you can become a part of our mission and make a difference in the life of a child. Find out more ways you can partner with us.
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Air Products Foundation
Allentown School District
Allentown School District Foundation
Communities in Schools of Eastern PA
Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation
ESSA Bank & Trust Foundation
Beall Fowler
J.B. & Kathleen Reilly

Anonymous (2)
Bessie S. Graham Music Fund
Bill Sugra Memorial Fund
Charles H. Hoch Foundation
Dexter F. and Dorothy H. Baker Foundation
George and Judith Arangia Foundation
Kiwanis Foundation of Allentown
Sylvia Perkin Perpetual Charitable Trust
Anonymous (6)
Blair & Carolyn Anderson
Susan Armitage
Mr. Mike Axiotis
Mark & Nancy Bacak
Corey and Joseph Bergstein
Arlene & Donald Bernhard
John Berseth & Carol Dorey
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Born
Mrs. Mary Bowen
Dr. & Mrs. William R. Burfeind, Sr.
John K. & Carol Anne Bury
Bill Busteed
Mr. H. Lloyd Carbaugh
Joan B. Cole
Benamina Contes
Christopher Dalrymple and Beth Tracy
Ken Dapper
John & Mary Dodds
Gail Eisenberg
Michael Finley & Audrey Ettinger
Steve Falcone
Jim and Debbie Ferry
Norma Fetherman
Ms. Barrie Fitzsimmons
Claudette Fleischmann
Matt Frankenfield
Bob & Susan Gadomski
Casey Gallagher
Linda Kay Gardner
Mary B. Gedney
Melissa Gerhardt
Angela Gosman
Scott Grant
Nate Hagstrom
Geoff Harrington
Judith A. Harris, Esq. & Dr. Jack Mydlo
Ruth Ann Haussmann
John Hayes
Stacee Hogan
David & Ann Hohe
Sarah Hottinger
Chip Hurd
Wilson Ihling
Peter Isaacson
Alfred & Necole Jacobsen
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Jaroh
Leon John
Mrs. Ruth Keblish
Charles & Jo-Ann Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. James Klunk
Anne B. Kovach
Helene and John Kuoni
Mr. Howard Kuritzky
Roland Kushner
Dolores Laputka
Elizabeth & Randel Laylon
Robert and Renee Lepley
Brad Ludwig
Debra & David MacDonald
Julie Macomb
Elizabeth Marcon
Maier Family
John & Genevieve Marcon
Mr. and Mrs. James McDonnell
Michele McGrath
Jason Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Morton, Jr.
Atty & Mrs. Anthony Muir
Anthony and Tekla Onorata
Franklin Ortiz and Karla Matamoros
David and Carol Osborn
Joseph & Elena Pascal
Erika Petrozelli
David Pingue
Cristian Pungo
Mr. Angelo Quaglia
John & Ellen Rackas
Martha Reitz
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Rienzo
Fabio Rizzi & Maria Scimone-Rizzi
Mr. Bill Roberts
Deborah Rosene
Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Ruppert
Victor and Nadya Salicetti
Mrs. Lorrie Scherline
Bill Schleicher
Melissa Seibert
Natalie Seifert
Eugene Sheedy
Dr. Charles F. Smith, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Somach
Vince & Michelle Sorgi
Kathryn Stagl
Craig and Wendy Stark
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Stellato
Ronald Szabo
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Tachovsky
Michael Torbert
Marian Finney Tracy
Karen Vadyak
Kate and Dennis Varley
Charles Versaggi
Mr. and Mrs. William Vitalos
Carol Watters
Stafford Barkley Wavrek
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas V. Whalen
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Yorgey
Jeff Yorgey
*This list recognizes all donors to the El Sistema Lehigh Valley program between June 1, 2021 and December 1, 2022.